When I say 1920s, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? Party like it’s 1920-1929? Flapper girls, economic prosperity, jazz or the Harlem Renaissance? Or maybe all of them? For me it’s a combination of a lot of things. I remember watching the movie the Great Gatsby. Of course, my fascination for vintage made my vision a little but colored, but I loved that movie. Especially the way the roaring twenties atmosphere was recreated. After the 1950s and 1960s, the roaring twenties have a special place in my vintage heart. That’s why it was time to think about randon thoughts that would cross my mind if I had lived in that time period. Please note, just like the previous episode If I lived in the early 1900s, most of the time I am on the don’t-take-it-too-serious road. What would life be back then? Read more
Attention! Time for another historical makeup class. This time, mascara is in the spotlights. It’s the alltime favorite makeup item of women. It’s the tiny weird brush that women use to men. Let’s dive into the history of this tiny weird brush! Read more
About Me
Hi! I am Kiran. A colourful and longhaired Vintage Gal with a modern mind. Fascinated with classy and colourful vintage style. Believes in hair flower and dance in the shower power. Will be the first to subscribe to a 'Netflix' with Classic Hollywood movies. Subscribe to new blogposts via email below. Daily updates? Follow my social media channels. Questions or want to collaborate?