

If you follow my facebook page closely you know that vintage humor pictures have a special place in my heart. The concept is very easy: take some typical vintage pictures and add a hilarious, yet straight-to-the-point caption which is related to the Here and Now or things that haven’t changed at all. Mix it together with a little photoshop and BAMMM instant entertainment guaranteed.

Vintage hilarity makes the (internet) world go round.

If you are unaware of this hype, don’t worry. This evening I am educating you in the vintage humor department. I bet you can relate to at least three of them. And if you have the same humor as me you will either be chuckling, laughing out loud or trying to keep a poker face while wanting to chuckle, because you are reading this in public.








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I don’t know many men are reading this blog. If you are one of those men: you are the chosen one.  Pay attention and spread the word. If you are a woman and you know someone who can use some help in the how-to-treat-a-woman department. Let him read this.

It occurred to me that there are so few real men out there these days. Are they still alive? Are they hiding? Are they being imprisoned? What’s going on?

Apparently women are from Venus and men are from Mars, right? So here is Venus providing some guidelines to enlighten Mars. Read more