The last weeks, I’ve been thinking about the fun I had last year, when I started watching Mad Men, while everyone else was already at the last season. I don’t know where I was, but somehow I wasn’t aware of the existence of Don Draper & co in 2007.
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You know that gut feeling that you have sometimes? Like a premonition that something is bound to happen? Well, I had it last year in December. I felt a short term addiction coming up. An addiction that wouldn’t go away and would ask for more until…well…until a new season would be made. In December, I finally bought the first five seasons of the Mad Men serie on dvd. Since then I tried to protect myself. By not unwrapping that dvd box with over five seasons and 50 hours of little getaways to the 1960s. But last Sunday I couldn’t help myself. I watched one episode. And BAM. It had begun. That Mad Men addiction entered my life. I was already introduced to the Mad Men serie a while back. However, so many series and so little time these days. Now I finally have the time to watch this serie.
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