I was brought up with the following: Always make sure that you’re financially independent. I totally agree with that. When you earn your own money, you can spend it however you like. You never have to explain why, when and how much you spend to anyone but yourself. It’s also really annoying if you constantly have to ask someone else for money or their creditcard, especially when you’re an adult
Some people still live under a rock and expect that certain women are going to marry a wealthy man. Totally missing out on the following: would women nowadays really educate ourself and make a career to marry a rich person, sit back and…be bored? They obviously haven’t learned one of life’s key lessons: the ultimate richness is being happy and healthy…physically AND mentally.
And don’t underestimate emotional independency. Some people always need confirmation from someone else that they are great, have good skills or whatsoever. This has a lot to do with self confidence. If you’re self confident you don’t need anyone to tell you how great you are. And when someone tries to bring you down you won’t fall, because you already know you’re worth it.
If you’re financially independent and remember that a person should only be an addition to your already complete life, you’re as strong as a rock.