
Oriental Spice and some Chocolate red lips red outfit
Oriental Spice and some Chocolate red lips red outfit

Let me tell you something about a moment that occurs very often. That moment when I’m in the shower or about to go to sleep. My mind has 300 tabs open and then suddenly somewhere next to those 300 tabs, the inspiration movement wakes up and tells me to stop whatever I am doing. There is something important that needs to be shared. A brain flash! Read more

vintage letter early 1900s

You’re used to be taken in a time machine to the past when you visit Oriental Spice and some Chocolate. However, I also like to keep you with your feet on the ground by pulling you back to the present. If you read my blog frequently, you know that I like to think outside the box. Today is another one of those days. And guess what, you can participate and do yourself a favor or make yourself laugh, It totally depends on you.

We have gone to the past and back to the present. But we never went to the future. Ofcourse we are alive and kicking in the here and now, but remember that the here and now becomes history within a second. The start of the writing of this article is already in the past. Christmas 2014 has gone by. Facebook even literally reminds you that you updated a status in the past: a few seconds ago, 15 minutes ago, an hour ago etcetera. Listening to that great song on the radio becomes the past after a few minutes. Although in this case, you can bring that moment back by going to Youtube and hitting the replay button. 100x times. We all have those moments with some songs, don’t we?

That was past talk. Literally. So let’s discuss the future. The end of the year is near. Very soon it will start raining New Year’s Resolutions. Everywhere. If you don’t like it, you may want to hide yourself in the first week of January. Especially from the internet. Personally, I don’t believe in New Year’s Resolutions. I even wrote an article about it here. If you really want something, you won’t wait until the end of the year to start making that life change. Besides that, why wait? You’re wasting precious time of your life, if you’re just waiting until the end of the year.

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