It’s a random Monday evening when I decide to read a book that I’ve saved for this time of the year. 2 hours and 130 pages later, I put the book away. Reluctantly. This is the kind of book that I would like to read in one night, but there’s another workday coming up. The next Sunday I have no appointments and I finish the book in another 3 hours. When I am finished I have mixed feelings. On one hand it’s one of the most beautiful stories I have read in a long time and on the other hand, I’ve just had a detailed glimpse of some of the most black pages in history.
Have you ever had the feeling that you were somewhere and you were like: “This was a little strange, but at the same time pretty good”. Well, I had that feeling after I watched Hail, Caesar! in the cinema last weekend. I already heard some stories about the producers of the movie. They make slightly different movies. So, I went there without expectations. Before I watched the movie, I have seen some trailers and it delighted my vintage heart that this movie was shot in a Vintage meets Present setting. I mean, how can I not see this movie that is set in the Golden Era. So, here is a little personal review of the movie Hail, Caesar! Read more
About Me
Hi! I am Kiran. A colourful and longhaired Vintage Gal with a modern mind. Fascinated with classy and colourful vintage style. Believes in hair flower and dance in the shower power. Will be the first to subscribe to a 'Netflix' with Classic Hollywood movies. Subscribe to new blogposts via email below. Daily updates? Follow my social media channels. Questions or want to collaborate?