A few weeks ago, I did a little interview on the Dutch lifestyle blog Dejlig.nl. One of the questions actually inspired me to write this blog. It was question number four: What is your life motto? My reply (the short version) was: Be yourself. For the long version: check the interview on Dejlig.nl.
When I was very young, I somehow had the idea that becoming a teacher would be a nice career goal in my life. The teaching vibes faded away as I grew older. Becoming a teacher is probably a great job, but not for me. It didn’t fit my ambitions and the person I had become.
Blog fever
During my first jobs, the blogger in me was awakened (for good this time) and along the years the blog fever evolved and evolved. I have always been proud of being a blogger. Even during the times when some people thought blogging was like keeping a diary online and didn’t understand why anyone would want to keep a blog. That answer always made me laugh and of course I felt the need to explain to people what blogging was and why it’s so valuable and so much fun. (Hmm maybe I still have some teaching vibes left). Besides that, anyone who enters my acquantaince and/or friend zone, is immediately informed about a few of my passions: blogging about vintage (meets present) and Old Hollywood (big smile included). A lot of people were quite intrigued because…why that fascination for retro and Old Hollywood? I explained that extensively in this blogpost, last year.
Are you a true Be Yourselfer?
However, it brings me back to the topic of today: the Be Yourselfer. Truly being yourself. Not only understanding what it means, but sincerely acting like it. Doing your own thing and everything you like in your own tempo and order. More importantly: not doing what you’re “supposed to do” or “supposed to like”, according to certain ideas/standards of certain people. And last but not least: only spend time and energy on the persons who accept you all-inclusive. So, in my opinion there are a few characteristics of a Be Yourselfer:
1. You’re proud of yourself. Really proud. Because you’re such a creative writer/blogger/illustrator/person/…*fillintheblanksforyourself* and of course you have an awesome personality.
2. You are very much aware of Not-Be-Yourselfers. It gives you great people skills. Which is quite handy. On the one hand, because some Not-Be-Yourselfers might be a source of negative vibes. So you know who might not be sincere. On the other hand you can inspire others with good intentions by…being yourself.
3. You always do things differently or in another order than 90% of the world or the society in your environment. Usually not consciously, but that’s just how you roll and you love it.
4. You are emotionally independent. You love to be around other people (who give you positive vibes), but you’re not reliant on them when it comes to your life, important decisions or anything else for that matter.
5. You know exactly what you want and what you don’t want in your life, career, relationships etcetera.
6.The above described people skills and being emotionally independent gives you the freedom (and wisdom) to remove yourself from people who are obviously or “secretly” not fond of you and your personality. Which is completely fine, because you were not put on this earth to be friends with everyone. And in the end, those are not the ones who matter in your life.
7. You don’t feel the need to be (or pretend to be) someone you’re not. Even when everyone else in your environment goes right, you follow your own direction: left, straight ahead, bump, bump, left, bump, bump, bump, straight ahead. Yes, it could be a bumpy ride…
8. You realise that not every one is like you. Not everyone is as comfortable in the be yourself skin as you are or they’re still on a be yourself journey. So you give respect to everyone who deserves it and respects you back.
9. Last but not least, one of the mottos of a Be Yourselfer is always: “You ain’t seen nothing yet”.
10. You feel completely badass when you have read the above list and nodded yes to every point. Cheers to my fellow Be Yourselfers.
Want more spice and chocolate? You can follow me on facebook, instagram, twitter, bloglovin and pinterest!
Wat een ontzettend mooi en leuk artikel. Al die punten zijn ook echt mooi als je die af kunt vinken: zelfvertrouwen, eigenliefde, respect voor andere. Ik hou er wel 😉 X
Wat een mooie blog. En wat leuk dat je door die vraag werd geïnspireerd!
Dankjewel! En inderdaad nadat ik die vraag beantwoord had, dacht ik gelijk…hier moet ik een blog over schrijven 😉