Classic Hollywood style


Another Vintage meets Present episode! Today, I have a special ode to the nowadays digital (GIFS) era. If you look at my social media channels, it’s fair to say that I really like social media. If you look back on my social networks journey, then it’s fair to say that I am an early adopter of social networks. Very Present indeed. These days it’s easier than ever to make the past come alive. How? Read along:


Today, I was scrolling through my facebook timeline and I saw this very funny Classic Hollywood related animated GIF. As you may know, Facebook supports the animated GIFs functionality since a couple of months. You also have an app where you can search GIFs of certain topic and share them on Facebook: GIPHY. Take a wild guess what I was searching the first time I used the app: Yesss…Classic Hollywood GIFs. I was pleasantly surprised that there were so many GIFs of Classic Hollywood movies and vintage series. I kept scrolling and scrolling.I would highly recommend searching for GIFs of the I Love Lucy show or any other oldskool comedy show. Hilarity guaranteed. The original source of these GIFs is Tumblr, one of the first microblogging platforms that introduced the functionality of animated GIFs in the social networks world. GIFs have always been popular in the digital world on websites and for example good old MSN (admit it, you’ve used that dancing banana a lot…). It took a while before GIFs were supported on social media platforms, but now GIFS have become one of the most popular shareable media items on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Also read:  The Classic Hollywood face swap files

Classic Hollywood movie GIFs

I really love these GIFs. First of all, because they are usually hilarious. Instant laughing therapy (classic Hollywood or no classic Hollywood). Guess what I did when I first discovered those Classic Hollywood GIFs? Exactly, share the Vintage meets Present GIFs love with my friends. After the first “wow this awesome, let me spam my vintage partners in crime” phase had faded out, I started thinking about it in a more serious way. When it comes to Vintage meets Present fascination or when you are a fan of old movies, you are living in the best era.The era where vintage fashion, retro series and classic Hollywood are trending and very shareable. Sharing your passion for vintage fashion and retro clothes has never been easier. Retro clothes are now just a click away, but 20 years ago it was a whole era away. unless ofcourse you know your way with needles and thread. Expanding your Classic Hollywood collection in the 1990s? Probably only in your local video store.


Nowadays, inspiration hits you from every digital corner. From Facebook groups to forums (yes , they still exist), Instagram, Youtube and of course: blogs. Currently, innovation in technology is going faster than ever and vintage is a trending topic. These two things combined gives you the best of the past and the present. It’s great that we can bring back some pieces of the golden era. There is a whole new “oldies” world out there to be explored and it’s still growing, also thanks to new functionalities that are supported on social platforms.

Also read:  Old Hollywood movie trailers seduction


For example, a GIF makes a movie come alive all over again, no matter how old the movie is. If it’s from a movie of 1955, an animated GIF will take you back to that moment in 1955. A picture says more than thousand words. But an animated GIF of 3 seconds shows more than that 50 pictures. Besides that, you either relive moments or you see a movie scene that actually makes you want to see the rest of the movie. Also, it’s even easier to get to know certain Classic Hollywood movies. Today, I saw a hilarious GIF of an old movie starring Charlie Chaplin. See the last post here. Now, I haven’t seen the movie where this scene was taken from, but it did make me curious about the rest of the movie.

Do-it-yourself GIFS

Nowadays, there is even more fun: do-it-yourself fun. You can make your own GIF or “movie scene”. I recently discovered a new app: Boomerang. With this app you can make your own animated GIF, starring…you! I was immediately intrigued and of course I had to try it out. See the result below 😉

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