
Cover foto tiki pinup summer look

Cover foto tiki pinup summer look

When it comes to modern vintage style, my closet is filled with all kinds of retro clothes. But like every woman, I sometimes also stand in front of my closet spending wasting time thinking about what I want to wear that day. Especially on a summer day in the office. So many modern vintage tropical summer style options, but…not everything is suitable.

On a warm summer day, I always bring a cardigan to the office because although it might be 25 degrees outside, it’s never 25 degrees inside. The same applies to hosiery. I always wear 8 dernier (summer) tights, because airconditioning ruins office life. Read more

vinyl art record
vinyl art record

These lovely summer days, call for a summer playlist. Now, there are two sides to this summer playlist story. There are those popular summer hits that everyone knows. From the Lambada to La Bamba. Great summer classics, I also replay those songs until I am tired of them. Which is after 100+ times usually. I am a really big fan of that replay button. Read more