Coco Chanel

When Fashion and Wisdom met Coco Chanel

When we think about Coco Chanel, we think about a woman who launched the first perfume with a designer name (Chanel no. 5), which would also become one of the most popular perfumes of all time. Coco also showed women that there was more…

Spotted: happiness dust

When I say challenges, what is the first thing that pops up in your mind? To have and to hold a healthier lifestyle for example? Or maybe to do something you've never done before like...bungeejumping? When we are talking about physical or…
Oriental Spice and some Chocolate

Keep calm and follow Oriental Spice and Some Chocolate

Newsflash to those whom it may concern: Next to this blog, I like to share inspirational, vintage and Old Hollywood content through other online channels. You can get your daily dose of inspiration (Spice), Old Hollywood and vintage…

Old Hollywood movie quotes to remember

Today I was scrolling through my old Hollywood movie quotes memory. When you read some movie dialogue transcripts, you realise that you don't always have to watch the movie to relate to the situation or put it in perspective. Some quotes may…

The mistakes missile

Every day of your life you leave a trail of choices with or without mistakes. Today might have been a good day or it might have been a bad day. Tomorrow you might get lucky or maybe you won't. Next week you might make some good choices…

About those size (double) standards then and now...

In the world of today there are several "perfection" standards. When it comes to sizes and weight, especially of women, doubtful standards are set in society. Followed by endless discussions about small size v.s. plus size. Because people and…