hairflowers collage tropisch boho chic

Remember my post about trademarks? Everyone has their own trademarks, even when you’re not aware of them. Your trademarks are not only limited to appearance. How you behave, how you think…personality is key. However, today I am talking about personal trademarks in appearance. One of my own appearance trademarks to me more specific. Oriental Spice Red Lips and some Chocolate Hairflowers pretty much sums it up. I will not talk about the red lip(stick) today, maybe another time. I do want to talk to you about flowers. I wear them a lot and in every season.

Flower power

So, what is the deal with those flowers as an accessory? Well, long before I knew that those (hair)flowers were part of vintage and retro history, I was attracted to them. Not in a Keukenhof kind of way. Although I do understand the beautiful flower fascination (obviously), I don’t really feel the need to go to a special flower parc where flowers are all around. I am also not attracted to them in a gardening kind of way, because well…gardening is totally not my thing. Sitting in a garden on the other hand is totally my thing, because I do love to be around flowers. And look at flowers. And taking it a step further: put flowers in my hair. Not every day, but very often. Why?

Also read:  An ode to the HERE and NOW

Tropical vibes are good vibes

I like tropical and colorful environments. They always gives me energy and inspiration. In this case I can stimulate my mood from good to an even better mood, by creating my own little tropical environment and taking it with me. Also it reminds me of spring and summer, long days (and short nights, but that is nothing new). It lightens up a cloudy, rainy day (and we have a lot of those here) or it makes a bright day even brighter. Now I am not suggesting that you should all put a flower in your hair (especially if you are a man, please forget it). You all have your own trademarks. In my case hairflowers enhance and stimulate my inner good vibes and in that case the following motto is on my highest priority list: let the good times vibes roll…


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